Genadi Arveladze at Opening Ceremony of EU-funded Twinning Project – “Advancing the Capacities of the Market Surveillance Agency of Georgia”

Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development participated in the opening opening ceremony of the EU-funded Twinning Project – Advancing the Capacities of the Market Surveillance Agency of Georgia.

The Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, in his welcoming speech, focused on the importance of Georgia's rapprochement with European structures. According to him, an important contribution of the Association Agreement with the European Union is that in recent years, Georgia has achieved significant success in terms of quality infrastructure development. "Quality infrastructure is a priority direction both in terms of economic development and European integration. Since 2020, the Market Surveillance Agency has been operating with the aim of limiting the availability of hazardous products on the market in order to protect the health and safety of citizens, as well as the environment and property. Within the framework of the project, the local legislation on market supervision will be reviewed, which will contribute to the improvement of the existing system of market supervision in Georgia and the implementation of supervision in accordance with the best European practices" – the Deputy Minister stated.

Genadi Arveladze thanked the EU delegation and noted that the twinning project will institutionally strengthen the Market Supervision Agency, contribute to the development of the field of market supervision in Georgia and increase the awareness of the business sector and other interested parties in this direction.

Giorgi Ukleba, the Head of the Georgian Market Supervision Agency, and Goda Aleksaitė, the Director of the State Agency for the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Lithuania opened the ceremony. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Teimuraz Janjalia, Vice Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania Jurga Greiciene, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Georgia Andrius Kalindra and Chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland to Georgia Mariusz Pietrzak also attended the meeting.




Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia. © 2021